“Whether she paints a landscape, a still life or a portrait, it’s always to unravel a principle of joy, of health, of delectation, of happy plenitude. Her landscapes, painted on site, turn into true actions of grace for the air, the light, and the space. Her still life paintings celebrate, not unlike the work of Francis Jammes, “the beauty that God gives to ordinary life”. Her portraits reveal the peaceful, blossomed and dreamy face of individuals, what smiles within them, even in their sleep. And in everything, she has us listen to that which sings, even when everything is silent. It’s not mushiness, sentimentality, or a faked optimism, it is, for this powerful and fleshly painter, a surplus of lucidity, consciousness and faith. The end result is a body of work that is solar, wholesome, salutary and lyrical, as we can see.”
Jacques Mougenot